MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || Jayapura — Personil Bidlabfor Polda Papua bersama Personil Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri telah melakukan pemeriksaan mendalam terkait barang bukti pengrusakan dua unit mobil dengan menggunakan alat Instrumen Thermo Scientific FTIR Raman Gemini, pada Senin (21/10/2024).
Kabid Humas Polda Papua Kombes Pol Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, S.H., S.I.K., M.Kom., saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan pernyataan tersebut.
“Saat ini Personil Bidlabfor Polda Papua telah melakukan penyelidikan mendalam tentang benda yang digunakan untuk membakar dua unit kendaraan di depan Kantor PT. Media Redaksi Jubi,” ujar Kabid Humas Polda Papua.
Kabid Humas menjelaskan bahwa terdapat barang bukti berupa 1 (satu) buah padatan berwarna hijau, 1 (satu) buah gel berwarna abu-abu corak, dan 2 (dua) buah swab abu, dan Personil Bidlabfor Polda Papua melaksanakan preparasi sampel bukti 2 (dua) buah sampel sumbu pada saat menggunakan alat Instrumen GCMS.
“Dan hasil dari pemeriksaan tersebut telah didapatkan bahwa 1 (satu) buah padatan berwarna hijau merupakan Polystrene (Polimer) yang berfungsi sebagai bahan tambahan untuk meningkatkan efek pembakaran dan suhu panas, kemudian 1 (satu) buah gel berwarna abu-abu corak adalah bahan yang sama yaitu Polimer, serta 2 (dua) buah swab abu yang merupakan jelaga hasil kebakaran dengan senyawa jenis karbon,” jelas Kabid.
Kabid Humas Polda Papua juga menambahkan terkait Bahan polimer yang sangat mudah ditemukan di masyarakat, serta bahan lainnya adalah slime yang biasa digunakan untuk bermain pada anak-anak.
Editor : JN
Papua Police Bidlabfor Investigation Results Regarding Evidence of Damage to Two Cars in Front of the PT Office. Jubi Editorial Media
MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS Jayapura — Papua Police Bidlabfor personnel together with National Police Criminal Investigation Center Puslabfor personnel have carried out an in-depth examination regarding evidence of damage to two cars using the Thermo Scientific FTIR Raman Gemini instrument, on Monday (21/10/2024).
Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, Police Commissioner Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, S.H., S.I.K., M.Kom., confirmed this statement when confirmed.
“Currently, Papua Police Bidlabfor personnel have carried out an in-depth investigation into the objects used to burn two vehicles in front of the PT Office. Jubi Editorial Media,” said the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police.
The Head of Public Relations explained that there was evidence in the form of 1 (one) green solid, 1 (one) gray colored gel, and 2 (two) ash swabs, and Papua Police Bidlabfor Personnel carried out the preparation of 2 (two) evidence samples. ) axis samples when using the GCMS Instrument tool.
“And the results of the examination have shown that 1 (one) green solid is Polystrene (Polymer) which functions as an additional material to increase the burning effect and heat temperature, then 1 (one) gray colored gel is the material that “the same, namely polymer, as well as 2 (two) ash swabs which are soot from fires containing carbon compounds,” explained the Head of Division.
The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police also added that polymer materials are very easy to find in the community, and other materials are slime which is usually used for children to play with.
Editor : JN