MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || MANADO – Sidang perkara Kasus sengketa tanah yang dijadikan terdakwa di atas tanahnya sendiri dengan Nomor Perkara: 45/Pid.B/2024/PN Mnd, Agenda sidang pembacaan tuntutan Jaksa. Senin, (21/10/2024)
Terdakwa Elfie Manampiring hadir dalam persidangan di dampingi dua orang Pengacara, Marcsano Rolando Wowor, SH, dan Samuel Tatawi, SH. Sidang dipimpin langsung oleh ketua Majelis Hakim Ronald Masang, SH, MH
Jaksa penuntut umum dalam persidangan menuntut terdakwa dengan pasal 167 ayat 1, KUHP jo pasal 55 ayat 1 ke 1 KUHP, dengan pertimbangan jaksa penuntut umum (JPU) kemudian menuntut terdakwa Elfie Augstin Manampiring, dengan melanggar pasal 167 ayat 1 KUHP jo pasal 55 ayat 1 ke 1 KUHP tentang penyerobotan dengan ancaman pidana 3 bulan hukuman penjara.
Usai Jaksa membacakan tuntutan, Hakim memberikan kesempatan kepada pengacara terdakwa Elfie Augstin Manampiring kalau ada yang mau disampaikan. Dalam kesempatan ini Kuasa Hukum terdakwa memohon atas permintaan terdakwa kepada Hakim Ketua, agar terdakwa bisa menujukkan kembali surat penjualan 30 April 1953 fotocopy yang telah dijadikan sebagai alat bukti dalam persidangan untuk dibandingkan dengan bukti-bukti pembanding yang ada di berkas pembuktian T14
dan Hakim mengijinkan
permohonan dari kuasa hukum terdakwa. Kepada Hakim dan Jaksa ditunjukkan oleh terdakwa dan kuasa hukumnya didalam sidang, surat penjualan 30 April 1953 dengan bukti bukti pembanding (Asli) yaitu tanda tangan dari ayah terdakwa tidak sama (beda sekali) dengan tanda tangan yang ada di surat penjualan 30 April 1953 yang diminta oleh terdakwa kepada Hakim Ketua pada sidang tunda Senin, 14 Oktober 2024 yang hari itu juga diberikan kepada terdakwa oleh Panitera.
Dalam kesempatan yang diberikan Hakim kepada terdakwa kalau ada lagi yang mau disampaikan; kemudian terdakwa memohon agar perbedaan tanda tangan yang sudah dilihat oleh Hakim dan Jaksa agar dicatat. Kemudian Hakim Ketua mengatakan “ya kami akan catat permintaan terdakwa dan memang kami harus catat”.
Agenda sidang di Tunda dan di lanjutkan pada
Senin, 28 Oktober 2024 dengan Agenda sidang pembacaan pembelaan terdakwa melalui penasehat hukum terdakwa.
Editor : AP
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The trial of the land dispute case in which the defendant was accused of his own land was again heard at the Manado District Court. Agenda for Hearing of Prosecutor’s Charges
MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || MANADO, 21/10/2024 – Trial of land dispute case in which the defendant was named on his own land with Case Number: 45/Pid.B/2024/PN Mnd, Agenda for hearing of the Prosecutor’s demands. Monday, (21/10/2024)
The defendant Elfie Manampiring attended the trial accompanied by two lawyers, Marcsano Rolando Wowor, SH, and Samuel Tatawi, SH. The trial was chaired directly by the chairman of the Panel of Judges, Ronald Masang, SH, MH.
The public prosecutor in the trial charged the defendant with article 167 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code, with the consideration that the public prosecutor (JPU) then charged the defendant Elfie Augstin Manampiring, with violating article 167 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with article 55 paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code regarding burglary carries a criminal threat of 3 months in prison.
After the prosecutor read the demands, the judge gave the defendant’s lawyer Elfie Augstin Manampiring the opportunity to say anything. On this occasion, the defendant’s attorney requested, at the defendant’s request, to the Chief Judge, that the defendant be able to show the photocopy of the sales letter of 30 April 1953 which had been used as evidence in the trial to be compared with the comparative evidence in the T14 evidence file. and the judge allowed it application from the defendant’s attorney. The defendant and his attorney showed the judge and prosecutor at the trial the sales letter of 30 April 1953 with comparative evidence (original), namely that the signature of the defendant’s father was not the same (very different) to the signature on the requested sales letter of 30 April 1953. by the defendant to the Chief Judge at the postponed hearing Monday, 14 October 2024, which was also given to the defendant by the Registrar that day.
In the opportunity given by the judge to the defendant, if there is anything else he wants to say; Then the defendant requested that the differences in signatures that had been seen by the Judge and Prosecutor be recorded. Then the Chief Judge said “yes we will record the defendant’s request and indeed we must record it”.
The trial agenda was postponed and continued on Monday, October 28 2024 with a hearing agenda for reading the defendant’s defense through the defendant’s legal advisor.