Masyarakat Meminta Dinasti Kekuasan Kades Glagga Diungkap ke Publik Sebagai Pemicu Utama Pemakaian DD dan ADD Tidak Transparan Ada Apa?

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JAKARTA || Media, 08/01/2024 – Bangkalan, Terpilihnya H. Jakfar Amin sebagai Kepala Desa (Kades) Glagga 2 periode menimbulkan polemik dan menjadi perbincangan serius di Masyarakat Desa Glagga.Lantaran pemakaian Dana Desa (DD) dan Anggaran Dana Desa (ADD), tidak transparan pengelolaan dan tidak pernah melibatkan tokoh Masyarakat, tokoh Agama, Aparat penegak Hukum, bahkan fungsinya BPD hanya dijadikan alat pelengkap kekuasanya kades.

Hal ini masyarakat menilai kinerja Kades Glagga terkesan otoriter kinerjanya sangat buruk di mata masyarakat.dalam sejarah sejak kepemimpinan selama 2 periode, menjabat sebagai kades Glagga

Anggaran tahun 2023 DD desa Glagga terbesar se Kec Arosbaya Rp (1.416.789.000).untuk pembangunan infrastruktur di desa Glagga yang terdiri dari 11 dusun diantaranya:1.Dusun Karang Malakah,2.Mursabe,3.Karang Candih, 4.Besambih,5 Gunung Malang,6.Laok Gunung,7.Kebun Larangan, 8.Mong-Mong Barat, 9.Mong-Mong Timur, 10. krojeh1,11 dan Krojeh 2.

Namun anggara DD tahun 2023 sudah turun tahap 1 tahap 2 dan tahap 3 turun ahir bulan Desember, kepastinya belum terlihat nyata pekerjaan di lapangan proyek DD thn 2023 di mata masyarakat, kususnya masyarakat Desa Glagga Kec Arosbaya Kab Bangkalan Madura Jawa Timur.

Atas laporan tersebut Tim Investigasi dettiknews. com dan Tim Media menggali data tercium aroma kurang Sedap, dan terdengar ditelinga tidak masuk akal,dalam struktur Susunan pemerintahan Desa Glagga, sangat jelas Dinasti politik sebagai alat kekuasannya faktanyaโ€ (1).Kepala Desa H.Jakfar Amin.(2).Sekretaris Desa: Amin Faizal (anak Kades).(3).Kaur Keuangan: Wardatul Toyibah (istri Kades)(4).Kaur Umum dan Perencanaan: Amin (anak Kades). (5).Kasipemerintahan: Syaiful Basri (anak Kades) (6).Kasi Kesejahtera an dan pelayanan: Dewi Ratnasari (anak Kades).

Tidak ketinggalan warga Masyarakat yang tidak mau disebutkan namanya Inisial B angkat bicaraโ€ kini Saatnya Dinasti kekuasan Kades Glagga harus diungkap kepublik secara terang benderang, dinasti politik kades sebagai pemicu utama dari ketidak keterbukaan pemakaian anggaran DD, politik Dinasti Harus dibubar kan, dan di kembalikan keforum masyarakat Desa, supaya kedepannya pemakaian anggaran DD transparan,sesuai aturan pemakaian DD Glagga ada plang reklame tertuis, disertai ada Surat penanggung jawabanya (SPJ) kalo hal ini dibiarkan, desa kami bisa tertinggal /terpuruk.

Lebih lanjut saya berhadap terhadap pemangku jabatan di pemerintahan Pemda Bangkalan Khususnya PJ Bupati Bangkalan Arief M Edi agar pemakaian DD ADD desa Glagga di monitor langsung dan terjun kelapangan jangan asal menerima Laporan di meja Saja. Menurut akal sehat ada apa di balik ini, jabatan kades menjadi ajang rebutan kekuasan, termasuk jabatan strategis nomer satu didesa.terangnya warga

Kepala Desa sebagai Perangkat Desa seharusnya bekerja sesuai dengan aturan dan sesuai perencanaan belanja dari APBN seharusnya pemakaian DD/ADD sebagai poin penting, masalahnya penggunaan dana desa harus transparan melibatkan masyarakat, karena menyangkut pemakaian uang APBN proyek pembangunan infrastruktur yang digunakan dan peruntukannya harus jelas.

Melalui program kementerian desa dapat segera dilaksakaan oleh kades agar bisa dinikmati dan dirasakan oleh masyarakat desa. Keberhasilan dan kemajuan Desa tergantung dari kepala desa. aparatur Desa wajib mentaati aturan dan melaksanakan asas pengelolaan keuangan desa sesuai Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 pengelolaan keuangan yakni asas transparansi, akuntabilitas, partisipatif serta tertib dan disiplin pemakaian anggaran.

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Pemerintah Desa harus bisa menerapkan prinsip akuntabilitas dalam pemerintahan Desa. Berdasarkan Undang- Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, terdapat sumber pendapatan yaitu Pendapatan Asli Desa (PAD), Dana Desa dari APBN, Bagian dari hasil pajak dan retribusi Kabupaten /Kota, Alokasi Dana Desa dari APBD, Bantuan Keuangan dari APBD Provinsi

Atas kejadian tersebut Tim investigasi mendatangi rumah Kades Glagga untuk melakukan komfirmasi kebenarannya,namun kades Glagga Amin Jakfar tidak ada tempat, saat di hubungi melalui tlp WhassAp nya tidak diangkat.bertemu dengan Syaiful Basri bilang bapak tidak ada lagi ke luar, kalo mau datang habis mangrib terang tgl 25/12/2023.

pertanyaan tim investigasiโ€ (1) apa benar Susunan Staf kepemerinta han Desa Glagga dari keluarga sendiri.(2) Anggaran Dana desa 2023 sudah turun tahap 1,2,dan tahap 3, sudah terealisai apa belum, mana buktinya SPJ nya. Kades Glagga tidak respon hanya balas silahkan tanyakan ke Kecamatan Arosbaya, jangan fokos kesaya aja, karena sekecamatan Arosbaya terdiri 18 desa terang kades Glagga melalui tlp WhassAp nya tgl 28/12/ 2023.

Camat Arosbaya Agung Firmansyah di hubungi enggan memberikan keterangan dan mengatakanโ€ silahkan datang ke kantor saya, ngupi bareng biar kita sama sama kita kenal kalo kita kenal kan enak terang Agung Firansyah dengan nada Gumetar melalui tlp WhassApp nya tgl 29/12/2023..

permintaan Agung Tim Investigasi mendatangi kantor Camat, untuk dimintai keterangannya sebagai penanggung jawab atas kepemimpinanan camat, terkait kinerja kades se Kecamatan Arosbaya namun saat dihubungi melalui tlp WhassApp tidak diangkat di Wa pun ,tidak dibalas oleh Agung Firmansyah. tgl 3/1/2024.

Red – MatarakyatNews
HSD & Lely



The community asks that the power dynasty of the Glagga village head be revealed to the public as the main trigger for the non-transparent use of DD and ADD. What’s wrong?


JAKARTA || Media, 01/08/2024,- Bangkalan, the election of H. Jakfar Amin as Glagga Village Head (Kades) for 2 terms has caused a polemic and become a serious topic of discussion in the Glagga Village Community. Because of the use of Village Funds (DD) and the Village Fund Budget (ADD), management is not transparent and never involves community leaders, religious leaders, law enforcement officials, in fact the BPD’s function is only to serve as a complementary tool to the village head’s powers.

This is because the community assesses that the performance of the Glagga Village Head seems authoritarian, his performance is very bad in the eyes of the community. In history since his leadership for 2 periods, he served as Glagga Village Head

The 2023 DD budget for the largest Glagga village in Arosbaya District is IDR (1,416,789,000). For infrastructure development in Glagga village which consists of 11 hamlets including: 1. Karang Malakah Hamlet, 2. Mursabe, 3. Karang Candih, 4. Besambih, 5 Mount Malang, 6. Laok Gunung, 7. Taman Larangan, 8. West Mong-Mong, 9. East Mong-Mong, 10. Krojeh1, 11 and Krojeh 2. However, the DD budget for 2023 has already been reduced to stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 will be reduced at the end of December, it is certain that work on the DD project field in 2023 will not yet be visible in the eyes of the community, especially the community of Glagga Village, Arosbaya District, Bangkalan District, Madura, East Java.

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Based on this report, the Dettiknews Investigation Team. com and the Media Team dug up data that smelled unpleasant, and sounded absurd to the ear, in the government structure of Glagga Village, it is very clear that the political dynasty is a tool of power in fact” (1). Village Head H. Jakfar Amin. (2 ).Village Secretary: Amin Faizal (son of the Village Head). (3). Head of Finance: Wardatul Toyibah (wife of the Village Head)(4). Head of General Affairs and Planning: Amin (son of the Village Head). (5). Head of Administration: Syaiful Basri (son of the Village Head) (6). Head of Welfare and Services: Dewi Ratnasari (son of the Village Head).

Not to be left behind by community members whose initials B did not want to be named spoke up “now is the time for the Glagga Village Head’s ruling dynasty to be revealed to the public clearly, the village head’s political dynasty is the main trigger for the lack of transparency in the use of the DD budget, the political dynasty must be disbanded, and returned to the forum Village community, so that in the future the use of the DD budget is transparent, according to the rules for using DD Glagga there is a written advertising sign, accompanied by a Letter of Person in Charge (SPJ). If this is allowed to happen, our village could be left behind/deteriorated.

Furthermore, I appeal to the position holders in the Bangkalan Regional Government, especially the PJ Regent of Bangkalan, Arief M Edi, so that the use of DD ADD in Glagga village is directly monitored and involved in the field, don’t just accept reports at the table. According to common sense, what is behind this, the position of village head has become an arena for power struggle, including the number one strategic position in the village. explained the residents

The Village Head as a Village Apparatus should work in accordance with the rules and according to the expenditure planning from the APBN, the use of DD/ADD should be an important point, the problem is that the use of village funds must be transparent involving the community, because it concerns the use of APBN money for infrastructure development projects and its allocation must be clear.

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Through the village ministry program, it can be implemented immediately by the village head so that it can be enjoyed and felt by the village community. The success and progress of the village depends on the village head. Village officials are obliged to obey the rules and implement the principles of village financial management in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2018 on financial management, namely the principles of transparency, accountability, participatory and orderly and disciplined use of the budget.

The Village Government must be able to apply the principle of accountability in Village government. Based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, there are sources of income, namely Village Original Income (PAD), Village Funds from the APBN, Part of the proceeds from Regency/City taxes and levies, Allocation of Village Funds from the APBD, Financial Assistance from the Provincial APBD Regency/City.

Due to this incident, the investigation team went to the Glagga Village Head’s house to confirm the truth, but the Glagga Village Head, Amin Jakfar, was not available. When he contacted him via telephone, his WhassApp was not picked up. When he met Syaiful Basri, he said that the father was no longer going out, if he wanted to come, he had to finish mangrib. clear on 12/25/2023.

Investigation team questions” (1) Is it true that the composition of the Glagga Village government staff is from their own family? (2) The 2023 village budget has been reduced to stages 1, 2 and stage 3, has it been realized or not, where is the proof of the SPJ? The Glagga village head didn’t respond, just reply, please ask Arosbaya sub-district, don’t just focus on me, because the Arosbaya sub-district consists of 18 villages, the Glagga village head explained via his WhatsApp call on 12/28/2023.

The Head of Arosbaya sub-district, Agung Firmansyah, was contacted, reluctant to provide information and said, “Please come to my office, have a chat together so that we can get to know each other. If we get to know each other, it’s good,” explained Agung Firansyah in a Gumetar tone via his WhatsApp phone on 12/29/2023.

Agung’s request from the Investigation Team went to the sub-district head’s office, to ask for information as the person responsible for the sub-district leadership, regarding the performance of village heads in Arosbaya sub-district, but when contacted via telephone, WhatsApp was not picked up on WhatsApp, and Agung Firmansyah did not reply. 1/3/2024.

Red – MatarakyatNews

HSD & Lely


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