AHY Resmikan Posko Spartan Command Center (Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Tanah) di Kantor Kementrian ATR/BPN

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MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || JAKARTA, 19/10/2024 – Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN), resmikan Posko Satgas Mafia Tanah (Spartan) di Kantor Kementerian ATR/BPN. Satgas ini menjadi posko pengendalian dalam memberantas mafia tanah di Indonesia.

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) tampak didampingi Dirjen Penanganan Sengketa dan Konflik Pertanahan ATR/BPN Ilyas Tejo, Staff Khusus Pemberantasan Mafia Tanah Dirjen Pol Widodo, dan Ketua Satgas Anti-Mafia Tanah Dirjen Pol Arief Rahman, di Kementerian ATR/BPN, Jakarta Selatan pada Sabtu (19/10/2024) dikutip dari detik.com.

“Dengan mengucap; bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Spartan Command Center, Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Tanah Command Center. Hari ini tanggal 19 Oktober 2024. Dengan resmi, saya nyatakan dibuka,” ucap AHY”.

AHY berharap, pembukaan posko satgas ini dapat mengendalikan dan memberantas mafia tanah di Indonesia.

“Semoga Spartan Command Center benar-benar bisa menjadi sebuah pos komando dan pengendalian untuk kita semakin fokus, semakin serius, semakin semangat, dan semakin berhasil dalam memberantas mafia tanah di seluruh Indonesia,” kata AHY.

AHY pun bercerita soal adanya ide pembuatan Posko satgas ini. Ia mengatakan ide tersebut lahir dari Staff Khusus Pemberantasan Mafia Tanah Dirjen Pol Widodo, dan Ketua Satgas Anti-Mafia Tanah Dirjen Pol Arief Rahman.


“Jadi waktu itu, Pak Widodo, Bang Arief mengatakan, ‘boleh nggak Pak Menteri kalau ada posko?’ Wah, kaget saya, pertanyaannya kok boleh atau bisa atau tidak? Seharusnya memang itu yang diutamakan, tapi saya mohon maaf baru tahunya agak belakangan, tapi tetap ternyata, walaupun waktunya singkat, bisa kita hadirkan di sini,” ujarnya

Dengan adanya posko satgas anti mafia, AHY berdoa agar posko itu dapat menjadi keberkahan bagi banyak orang. Tak lupa AHY berpesan, agar seluruh jajarannya dapat bekerja sama untuk menyelamatkan warga dari mafia tanah.

“Jadi saya mengucapkan tentunya selamat kepada semua yang telah menghadirkan posko ini, mudah-mudahan membawa keberkahan. Bisa lebih baik menerima stakeholders, baik jajaran kepolisian, kejaksaan, pemerintah daerah, dan siapapun yang ingin sama-sama memberantas mafia tanah di seluruh tanah air. Kita selamatkan rakyat kita dari perilaku yang zalim,” ucapnya.



Editor : ER


AHY Inaugurates the Spartan Command Center Post (Land Mafia Eradication Task Force) at the ATR/BPN Ministry Office


MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || JAKARTA, 19/10/2024 – Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), inaugurated the Land Mafia Task Force (Spartan) Command Post at the ATR/BPN Ministry Office. This task force is a control post in eradicating the land mafia in Indonesia.

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Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) was seen accompanied by the Director General of Land Dispute and Conflict Handling of ATR/BPN Ilyas Tejo, Special Staff for Land Mafia Eradication of Director General of Police Widodo, and Head of the Anti-Land Mafia Task Force of Director General of Police Arief Rahman, at the Ministry of ATR/BPN, South Jakarta on Saturday (19/10/2024) quoted from detik.com.

“By saying; bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Spartan Command Center, Land Mafia Eradication Task Force Command Center. “Today is October 19 2024. I officially declare that it is open,” said AHY.”

AHY hopes that the opening of this task force post can control and eradicate the land mafia in Indonesia.

“Hopefully the Spartan Command Center can truly become a command and control post for us to become more focused, more serious, more enthusiastic, and more successful in eradicating the land mafia throughout Indonesia,”said Agus”.

AHY also talked about the idea of ​​creating this task force command post. He said the idea was born from the Special Staff for Eradicating Land Mafia, Director General of Police, Widodo, and the Head of the Anti-Land Mafia Task Force, Director General of Police, Arief Rahman.

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“So at that time, Mr. Widodo, Bang Arief said, ‘Can the Minister have a command post?’ “That should be the priority, but I’m sorry I only found out a bit later, but it still turns out, even though the time is short, we can present it here,” he said.

With the existence of the anti-mafia task force post, AHY prays that this post will be a blessing for many people. AHY did not forget to advise all his staff to work together to save residents from the land mafia.

“So of course I would like to congratulate everyone who has created this post, hopefully it will bring blessings. It could be better to accept stakeholders, including the police, prosecutor’s office, local government, and anyone who wants to work together to eradicate the land mafia throughout the country. “We save our people from unjust behavior,” he said. RED-MATARAKYATNEWS Editor : ER



Editor : ER

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