Budi Gunawan Diberhentikan Presiden Joko Widodo Sebagai Kepala BIN

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MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || JAKARTA, 15/10/2024 –  Budi Gunawan diberhentikan Presiden Joko Widodo sebagai Kepala Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN). Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) telah menerima surat dari Presiden Joko Widodo terkait pemberhentian dan pengangkatan Kepala BIN. Ketua DPR RI, Puan Maharani, menyebut bahwa pimpinan DPR RI telah menerima surat bertanggal 10 Oktober itu. “Selanjutnya surat tersebut telah dibahas dalam rapat Konsul pimpinan DPR RI dan pimpinan fraksi-fraksi DPR RI tanggal 14 Oktober 2024,” kata Puan dalam Rapat Paripurna DPR RI, dikutip dari Kompas.com, Selasa (15/10/2024).

Mengenai alat kelengkapan dewan (AKD) belum terbentuk, dan belum ada komisi yang secara definitif menjadi mitra kerja BIN, maka rapat konsultasi kemarin memutuskan membentuk tim khusus, dan Tim ini dipimpin oleh pimpinan DPR RI yang bertugas membahas pertimbangan atas pemberhentian dan pengangkatan calon Kepala BIN yang baru, untuk selanjutnya dilaporkan pada Rapat Paripurna terdekat. Puan menyebut, hal itu berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 111-112 Peraturan DPR RI Nomor 1 Tahun 2020 yang menyangkut soal tata tertib

Adapun nama Kepala BIN, Budi Gunawan, santer dilaporkan menjadi salah satu menteri yang ditunjuk presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto untuk bertugas membantu kabinet pemerintahannya kelak. BG, sapaan akrabnya, dikenal sebagai orang dekat Ketua Umum PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri. Hingga 49 nama calon pembantu Prabowo dipanggil ke kediamannya kemarin, belum tampak satu pun representasi PDI-P. Akan tetapi, pemanggilan calon menteri masih akan dilakukan Prabowo hari ini.

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Editor : VT


MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || JAKARTA, 15/10/2024 – Budi Gunawan was dismissed by President Joko Widodo as Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). The House of Representatives (DPR) has received a letter from President Joko Widodo regarding the dismissal and appointment of the Head of BIN. The chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, said that the leadership of the DPR RI had received the letter dated October 10. “Furthermore, the letter was discussed at the Consul meeting of the DPR RI leadership and the leaders of the DPR RI factions on October 14 2024,” said Puan at the DPR RI Plenary Meeting, quoted from Kompas.com, Tuesday (15/10/2024).

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Regarding the completeness of the council (AKD) that has not yet been formed, and there is no commission that will definitively become BIN’s working partner, yesterday’s consultation meeting decided to form a special team, and this team is led by the leadership of the DPR RI whose task is to discuss considerations regarding the dismissal and appointment of candidates for Head of BIN new one, to be reported at the nearest Plenary Meeting. Puan said that this was based on the provisions of Article 111-112 of DPR RI Regulation Number 1 of 2020 which concerns matters of order.

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The name of the Head of BIN, Budi Gunawan, is widely reported to be one of the ministers appointed by President-elect Prabowo Subianto to be tasked with assisting his future government cabinet. BG, as he is familiarly known, is known as a close person to PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. Until 49 names of Prabowo’s potential assistants were summoned to his residence yesterday, not a single PDI-P representative was seen. However, Prabowo will still call ministerial candidates today.


Editor : VT

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