Sidang Pengadilan Kasus Sengketa Tanah Dijadikan Terdakwa Atas Tanahnya Sendiri Kembali Ditunda di PN Manado

MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || MANADO, 14/10/2024 – Sidang sengketa tanah yang dijadikan terdakwa di tanahnya sendiri, telah diagendakan Senin, 14 Oktober 2024 dengan agenda sidang Pembacaan tuntutan dakwaan oleh Jaksa Penuntut Katerina Icken Pelealu SH, MH kembali ditunda, Jaksa Penuntut beralasan belum siap dengan tuntutan, karena masih berada di Jakarta dangan alasan tugas.

Pantauan media ini Sidang kembali di tunda, Penundaan sidang di gelar dalam ruangan sidang Letnan Jendral TNI (Purn) Ali, dipimpin Ketua Majelis Hakim Ronald Massang, SH, MH, Panitra PP Adriani Frida Toar, SH terdakwa Elfie Augstin Manampiring pada Senin, 14 Oktober 2024.

Ketua Majelis Hakim Ronald Massang, SH, MH, menegaskan alasan Jaksa tidak hadir secara etika itu tidak sah, tanpa ada surat resmi, kalau cuma lewat WA ataupun telpon kemudian tidak ada surat itu tidak resmi. demikian juga kalau Terdakwa tidak hadir karena sakit dan hanya minta izin lewat WA tanpa surat resmi itu tidak sah. ujarnya majelis hakim dalam sidang”.

Lanjut Ronald, kepada Panitra Ketua Majelis Hakim perintahkan agar membuat surat panggilan secara resmi untuk hadir dalam sidang  berikutnya, yang dijadwalkan pada Senin, 21 Oktober 2024 dengan Agenda yang sama yaitu pembacaan tuntutan dakwaan Jaksa.

Ia (Ronald) menambahkan, Jika Jaksa tidak hadir lagi, akan dipanggil kembali secara resmi, karena kami juga para hakim sudah ditegur keras oleh atasan karena sidang ini sudah tujuh bulan berjalan artinya sudah melewati batas aturan yang berlaku. jelasnya”.

Sebelum sidang di tutup, Ketua Majelis hakim bertanya kepada Terdakwa Elfie Manampiring,  Adakah yang mau di sampaikan? tanya Hakim kepada Terdakwa”.

Terdakwa kemudian merespon pertanyaan hakim dengan “Memohon agar Yang Mulia Hakim memberikan copian surat penjualan 30 April 1953 fotocopy yang dijadikan sebagai alat bukti dari JPU, karena menurut terdakwa; yang diberikan oleh Panitra waktu lalu tidak lengkap, hanya lembar pertama sedangkan lembar kedua yang ada tanda tangan nanti diberikan oleh saksi korban Stefani Puji Pustiwari yang katanya kepada Yang Mulia Ketua Majelis Hakim diberikan oleh saksi Edwin Valentino Elrick Assa. tutur terdakwa”. Majelis Hakim kemudian meminta agar Panitra Adriani Frida Toar, SH, agar memberikan surat penjualan tersebut.


Majelis Hakim sebelum menyampaikan jadwal sidang berikutnya, Hakim minta kepada terdakwa agar penundaan sidang berikutnya diinformasikan kepada kuasa hukum terdakwa yang juga tidak hadir dalam persidangan. Dan Hakim memberitahu agar terdakwa selalu kooperatif dalam jadwal sidang. Spontan di jawab dengan tegas oleh terdakwa, terima kasih yang Mulia”.

Sidang kemudian ditunda dengan agenda yang sama, pada Senin, 21 Oktober 2024. Sidang ditutup dengan ketukan palu oleh Ketua Majelis Hakim Ronald Massang, SH, MH.

Sebelum meninggalkan ruangan sidang, Panitra menyuruh terdakwa untuk menunggu sebentar, kemudian memberikan copian surat penjualan 30 April 1953 yang diminta oleh terdakwa, yaitu surat penjualan yang hanya berupa fotocopy yang dijadikan alat bukti dalam persidangan sebelumnya. Surat tersebut pada sidang sebelumnya di minta Aslinya oleh Hakim kepada JPU, dan menurut Jaksa penuntut bahwa  surat asli tersebut berada di Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN).


Editor : Billy Laloan


MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || MANADO, 14/10/2024 – The trial of the land dispute in which the defendant is accused on his own land, has been scheduled for Monday, 14 October 2024 with the hearing agenda for the reading of the indictment by Prosecutor Katerina Icken Pelealu SH, MH again postponed, the Prosecutor argued that he was not ready to present the indictment , because he was still in Jakarta for work reasons.

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According to media monitoring, the trial has been postponed again. The postponement of the trial was held in the court room of Lieutenant General TNI (Purn) Ali, led by Chief Judge Ronald Massang, SH, MH, PP Registrar Adriani Frida Toar, SH, defendant Elfie Augstin Manampiring on Monday, October 14 2024.

Chairman of the Panel of Judges, Ronald Massang, SH, MH, emphasized that the reason why the prosecutor was not present was ethically invalid, without an official letter, if only via WA or telephone then there is no letter, it is not official. Likewise, if the defendant is not present due to illness and only asks for permission via WA without an official letter, that is not valid. said the panel of judges in the trial.

Ronald continued, the Chief Judge ordered the Panitra to issue an official summons to attend the next trial, which is scheduled for Monday, October 21 2024 with the same agenda, namely the reading of the Prosecutor’s indictment.

He (Ronald) added, “If the prosecutor does not appear again, he will be officially summoned again, because we, too, the judges, have been strongly reprimanded by our superiors because this trial has been running for seven months, meaning we have exceeded the limits of the applicable regulations.” explained.”

Before the trial closed, the Chief Judge asked the Defendant Elfie Manampiring, Is there anything you want to say? the judge asked the defendant.”

The defendant then responded to the judge’s question by “Requesting that the Honorable Judge provide a copy of the sales letter of April 30, 1953, which will be used as evidence by the prosecutor, because according to the defendant, the one given by the Registrar last time was not complete, only the first sheet while the second sheet had a mark. “The hand was later given by the victim witness Stefani Puji Pustiwari, which he said to His Excellency, the Chief Judge, was given by witness Edwin Valentino Elrick Assa.” The Panel of Judges then asked Registrar Adriani Frida Toar, SH, to provide the sales letter.

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Before presenting the schedule for the next trial, the judge asked the defendant to inform the defendant of the postponement of the next trial to the defendant’s attorney who was also not present at the trial. And the judge told the defendant to always cooperate in the trial schedule. The defendant immediately answered firmly, thank you, Your Honor.”

The trial was then adjourned with the same agenda, on Monday, October 21 2024. The trial closed with a tap of the gavel by Chief Judge Ronald Massang, SH, MH.

Before leaving the court room, the Registrar told the defendant to wait a moment, then gave him a copy of the April 30, 1953 sales letter requested by the defendant, namely a sales letter which was only a photocopy which was used as evidence in the previous trial. At the previous hearing, the judge asked for the original letter from the prosecutor, and according to the prosecutor, the original letter was at the National Land Agency (BPN).


Editor : Billy Laloan


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