Cagub Sulut Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) Tengok Langsung Proses Pembakaran Minyak Nilam di Tompasobaru. YSK Berjanji Akan Kembangkan Industri Minyak Nilam

MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || TOMPASOBARU, 19/10/2024 – Calon Gubernur Sulut Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) mendatangi dan menengok langsung tempat penyulingan Minyak Nilam di Desa Pinaesaan, Kecamatan Tompasobaru, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan (Minsel). Di lokasi industri kecil penyulingan Minyak Nilam itu YSK melihat langsung bahan mentah Nilam, proses penyulingan mulai dari pembakaran sampai pada tahapan ekstraksi minyak.

Cagub Sulut Yulius Selvanus setelah mendengar penjelasan para petani dan pemilik pengolahan tempat penyulingan, kemudian merespon dan meninjau langsung produksi Minyak Nilam. YSK tertarik melihat fakta penghasilan yang relatif besar dari produksi Minyak Nilam, sehingga ia (YSK) tertantang untuk mengupayakan pengembangan industri yang menjanjikan masa depan para petani Nilam ini.

Proses penyulingan yang masih relatif sederhana, YSK mengatakan perlu untuk dikembangkan. “Penyulingan ini masih proses alami. Kalau kita modernisasi proses pembakarannya tentu akan lebih bagus lagi. Dan itu kita akan lakukan,” cetus Jenderal bintang dua”.

Ia berharap ke depan industri ini akan menjadi lebih besar lagi dan melibatkan banyak orang, termasuk generasi milenial. “Karena penghasilan indsutri ini tergolong besar,” ujarnya dia.

Yulius Selvanus Komaling yang akrab di Sapa YSK setelah melihat dari dekat ekstraksi Minyak Nilam, Perhatinnya terhadap pengembangan industri Minyak Nilam selaras dengan salah satu poin misi YSK Victory, Yakni; ‘Pembangunan Ekonomi Berbasis Keberlanjutan’ yakni ‘mengutamakan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan berkeadilan melalui pengembangan agribisnis, pariwisata, UMKM, serta ekonomi kreatif yang mendukung ekonomi hijau (green economy), biru (blue economy) dan digital.’


Sementara pada salah satu program unggulan YSK Victory, ‘Pengembangan Agro-Produksi dan Agro-Industrialisasi,’ juga tertuang dengan jelas proyeksi YSK Victory yaitu ‘mendorong peningkatan produksi, industrialisasi, dan pemasaran hasil pertanian guna memperkuat sektor pertanian sebagai motor ekonomi daerah.’

Tak heran jika penyampaian YSK sesuai dengan visi misi dan program unggulan Paslon Cagub dan Cawagub Yulius Selvanus Komaling dan Victor Mailangkay Nomor urut 1 ini.

Mayjen TNI Purnawirawan Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) menunjukan kepedulian, perhatian, keberpihakan dan dukungan penuh  terhadap industri rumahan untuk dikembangkan agar masyarakat bisa meningkatkan perekonomian yang berdampak pada meningkatnya taraf hidup.

Diketahui Nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth) merupakan tanaman yang sudah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. jenis tumbuhan tropis penghasil sejenis minyak. Nilam adalah salah satu tanaman yang sering ditemui di daerah Asia. Tanaman nilam banyak ditanam untuk diambil minyaknya. Minyak nilam banyak dibutuhkan untuk industri kosmetik, parfum, antiseptik, dan lain-lain.



Editor : Nj

North Sulawesi Governor’s Candidate Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) Sees the Process of Burning Patchouli Oil in Tompasobaru. YSK Promises to Develop the Patchouli Oil Industry

MEDIA MATARAKYATNEWS || TOMPASOBARU, 19/10/2024 – Candidate for Governor of North Sulawesi Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) visited and directly visited the Patchouli Oil refinery in Pinaesaan Village, Tompasobaru District, South Minahasa Regency (Minsel). At the location of the small patchouli oil refining industry, YSK saw directly the patchouli raw materials, the refining process from burning to the oil extraction stage.

Baca Juga  Bendahara DPD I Partai Demokrat Membenarkan Gugatan E2L di MK Telah di Tarik dan Dibatalkan. YSK-VICTORY SAH PIMPIN SULUT

North Sulawesi Governor’s Candidate, Yulius Selvanus, after hearing the explanation from the farmers and the owner of the refinery, then responded and directly inspected the production of Patchouli Oil. YSK was interested in seeing the relatively large income from Patchouli Oil production, so he (YSK) was challenged to develop an industry that promises a future for Patchouli farmers.

The refining process is still relatively simple, but YSK said it needs to be developed. “This distillation is still a natural process. If we modernize the combustion process, it will certainly be even better. And we will do that,” said the two-star general.

He hopes that in the future this industry will become even bigger and involve many people, including the millennial generation. “Because this industry’s income is quite large,” he said.

Yulius Selvanus Komaling, who is familiarly known as YSK, after seeing the extraction of Patchouli Oil up close, his attention to the development of the Patchouli Oil industry is in line with one of YSK Victory’s mission points, namely; ‘Sustainability-Based Economic Development’, namely ‘prioritizing sustainable and equitable economic growth through the development of agribusiness, tourism, MSMEs and the creative economy that supports the green, blue and digital economies.’

Baca Juga  Jelang Pilgub Sulut 2024 Sentimen Negatif Terhadap Cagub Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) Kerap Sudutkan Keluarga dan Dianggap Tidak Berperan Menangkan Prabowo Gibran. Relawan Prabowo Binaan Jenderal Komaling Beri Tanggapan

Meanwhile, in one of YSK Victory’s flagship programs, ‘Development of Agro-Production and Agro-Industrialization,’ YSK Victory’s projections are also clearly stated, namely ‘encouraging increased production, industrialization and marketing of agricultural products in order to strengthen the agricultural sector as a regional economic motor.’

It is not surprising that the delivery of YSK is in accordance with the vision and mission and superior programs of Candidate Candidate and Deputy Governor Candidates Yulius Selvanus Komaling and Victor Mailangkay Number 1.

Retired TNI Major General Yulius Selvanus Komaling (YSK) showed care, attention, alignment and full support for home industries to be developed so that people can improve the economy which has an impact on increasing living standards.

It is known that patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) is a plant that is well known to the wider community. a type of tropical plant that produces a type of oil. Patchouli is a plant that is often found in Asia. Patchouli plants are widely grown for their oil. Patchouli oil is much needed for the cosmetics, perfume, antiseptic and other industries.


Editor : NJ

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